شركة عراقية تأسست عام 2004 و تمارس هذه الشركة اعمال المقاولات العامة الانشائية و الكهربائية و تنفيذ المشاريع في مجال البناء للمجمعات السكنية و المستشفيات (عن طريق الاستثمار) ومشاريع الطرق و الجسور و اعمال مشاريع الماء و المعالجة و المجاري و السدود . وساهمت هذه الشركة في مشروع مهم في سد الموصل و حصلت الشركة على كتاب شكر و تقدير لتنفيذها الدقيق للمشروع.

- Project management
- Construction management
- Turnkey EPC projects
- Design (Architectural, interior, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Infrastructure, Roads, Landscaping and Irrigation)
- Rehabilitation and Renovation
- Education
- Healthcare
- Residential
- Hospitality
- Commercial
- Infrastructure
اهم المشاريع:
- Commercial:
- Economic Bank for Investment and Finance
- Raban Al-Safina Head Quarters in Al-Jadriya, Baghdad
- AUIB- Food Court
- Cafe Booth
- Residential:
- Private villas in the Green Zone, Baghdad
- Lake City Residential Complex in Baghdad
- AUIB Staff residential buildings (7 buildings)
- Healthcare: (AUIB)
- Teaching Hospital- 240 beds
- Clinic
- Two Laboratory buildings
- Oncology Center
- Leisure: (AUIB)
- Fitness Gym
- Football Field
- Basketball Field
- Golf Course
- IT Infrastructure:(AUIB)
- Al Tameer Data Center
- Education:
- College of Medicine
- Lecture Halls
- Ashur University
- International Schools- Primary and High Schools
- International Nursery
- Industrial:
- RASEE Repair Shop
- RASEF Infrastructure
- AUIB Main Storage Warehouse
- Infrastructure: (AUIB)
- Sewage Networks
- Fire Fighting networks
- Storm Water networks
- Underground Electrical networks
- Irrigation
- Roads
We employ more than 1200 leaders, experts, engineers and technicians.
We invested more than 500M USD in Iraq’s electricity infrastructure development since 1997.
ISO 9001 & 10006 & 45001 & 31000 & 22301 & 22111 & 10721-1 & 17800 & 21930 & 11613 & 116733-1 &
21723 & 27001 & 23387 & 10845-1 & 8560 & 13766-1 & 10002 & 21678 & 37001 & 52003-1 & 7240-2 &
22263-2 & 9004 & 56002
معلومات الاتصال:
AUIB Campus, Airport Road, Baghdad, Iraq